Wednesday, July 28, 2004

my "love hate" relationship

i've left the conventional advertising industry 2 months ago and am beginning to miss the painful yet exciting world of advertising already.

advertising had been my savoir for the past 3 years and making this switch to go into PR and marketing just seemed kinda odd now. like i'm missing something. my craving for adrenalin rushes and the like have been bouncing in and out of my head for the past week. seeing massive openings at batey/ red cell didn't help much.

advertising isn't really as bad as what most people think. look! we get to brainstorm @ creative briefings, reviews, pitches, bitch bout ass hole art directors, pain -in- arse "pseudo" group account heads, annoying silly clients who write their own copy when they can't string proper sentences together, idiot suppliers who give you wrong colour seps on material submission days *god this one is HORROR*, idiot management who think clients still believe in confirming 25 insertions for the year or clients who want the world and think ad space's worth only $1.99 and creative FOC? where in the world are their fucking brains?

these stories may sound horrifying but i think i like this nightmare. cos knowing that you can survive it all and come through shining like paris hilton simply makes your day. especially when you're 60 and someone asks you what's your life been for the past decade?

bee wrote this at 9:23 AM



At 12:03 AM, Blogger adrock2xander said...

Sounds like somethin i experience all day everyday in Saatchi...'s after hours for me...dont mention advertising!!! :)

At 9:13 AM, Blogger bee said...

saatchi??? u're not HP are u? wait...u look like u're a guinness person : )

At 12:31 AM, Blogger adrock2xander said...

Hewlett Packard's whipped up by the geniuses in mainstream Saatchi alright :)

ROFL Guiness? I dont know what to make of you now...either Saatchi's campaign aint takin the cake...or im just a very tired and depressed reader...

It's not everyday ya client reduces their advertisin budget by 80% to US$20,000 in just an hour...*mumbles*...

We're slaves to advertisin...


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