Thursday, August 05, 2004

Lusting after sexy concrete

haig park circle, east perth

was running a search on potential homes in melbourne and perth when i came across this beauty nestled on prime land, East Perth (also known for its yuppies). swan river and millpoint are other breathtaking areas where their apartments overlook the ally mcbealish city skylines and rivers. she's worth a hefty AUD$769k , reasonably cost effective compared to Singapore's $700k where you buy a 4 room condo and curse yourself silly for fighting pool space on sat morns?

i've always wanted to live in manhattan or san francisco. overlooking a city of concrete buildings and its thousands of lit lights. the busy boulevard. a city where there can be millions of people yet none that i know of. strangely, i find that rather comforting knowing there're people around and moving beside me so i never feel alone.

there was this article i found in an mag bout 4 years back where they defined city residence as "capsule living". they discovered an increasingly large number of young people clamouring to the loft apartments with an ideal that living alone is the means to happiness (jeez). ala the mantra of "be who you want to be". unfortunately for us babies of gen X (or perhaps "lau chiao" of gen Y) , the cost of living and lack of space in singapore does not allow us the freedom of capsule living without the choking price.

take a look at SOHO (corner of river valley opp MITA) as the perfect example. lovely place but can we really afford that (unless of cos we're sons and daughters of OBS and the like)? and if we do find a place we can afford, can we not guarantee it's a flat in some absurd area of singapore where we still share lifts with stale pee and poke at phlegm covered lift buttons?

now...i've digressed from my sexy concrete have i not?

bee wrote this at 10:08 PM



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