Friday, September 24, 2004

car ride with pseudo master

apart from dabbling in fengshui, pseudo master melvin sim also has a strong interest (of late) as exasperating mr know-it-all.

glenn ong was shooting arrows at this particular mediaworks artiste and mr feng shui is now mr tube guru. the entire car ride was one filled with his incessant rattling of frivolous speculations on who (mediacorp) will retain and who it'll fire. and that's coming from someone who hardly watches the telly cept for cable and news.

to prevent myself from flaring up (as usual), perhaps switching radio stations might stop the din? but noooooooo....he went on and on and on and on and on....someone please stop feeding him duracell...this is the time when i wished he was in a foul mood, then he'll be REALLY quiet. but of cos, that would also mean he'll start picking on me for the most absurd reasons.

*sniff* another lose-lose situation with the pseudo master.

bee wrote this at 8:52 AM



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