Thursday, October 14, 2004
haven't we ever wondered why fate had decided to poke around and bring certain people together? have you ever explored why? why this person? why not X, Y, Z who seems more visually interesting when i pass them on the street? why are the nice girls with pricks? and why are the nice guys with bitches from hell? why do some people have so many "love of their lives" and some none at all? why why why?is it karma? if you've been a close to flawless person in the past, you'll be rewarded with a good person to share your life with? mom always told me that. if u do good in this life, you'll be rewarded in your next. but if i do good now, why do i have to wait for my next life to enjoy it? cos i probably don't even know who i am in my next existence. i could be a chihuahua for all i know.
i've known some friends who've never had a single good relationship with anyone in their entire lives. and they're great people. smart, caring, articulate. so why have they not found their partners? how long is the wait? and the wait for what? The One? how do we know if it's The One? what if The One comes after you thought you've found The (previous) One?
my destiny awaits me. maybe i'll be struck down by a random car before The One shows up. or maybe The One is the one who'll end my life. the sick irony of it all.and there you have the poignant musings of my morning.
bee wrote this at 8:49 AM