Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Golden fingers


have you ever hopped onto a cab, stuck your fingers happily into the little indented door handle and discover to your horror soggy tissue stuffed inside?unassuming regular cabbers like me have had the "golden" opportunity for the third time (in less than six months) of dipping her fingers into God-knows-what-its-been-used-for hidden tissues. i brought the inconsiderate action to the attention of the cabby. the poor guy told me he had worse. some prickheads would stuff food packages (think old changkee oily paper bags) into the pockets behind the driver's and leave half filled coke cans on the passenger seats. its truly amazing the idiocy and selfishness of some peabrained individuals.

an exploratory session: origination of soggy tissues
could be something else...
sweat soaked ones due to heat?
an honest episode of rain resulting in a wipe down?
spilled water in cab?
more undefined watery substance from the nostrils?
fucking more MUCUS?
oh jeez.
why oh why do singaporeans always pick their noses in the car?
HULLO. you may be inside but i can so fucking see you lor.

and to think i had to endure and sit in the cab for another fifteen minutes before i could get my hands on water and dettol. bless little ole singapore for her abundance of washrooms and dustbins.

bee wrote this at 10:40 PM



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