Thursday, November 04, 2004
mind boggling actions
here i am sitting at my desk devouring pringles at 120km/hr whilst awaiting the client's mind boggling worries on superficial issues.too-doo-doo-doo-doo.
oh FUCK.
i just wanna go home.
i just wanna eat dinner.
i just wanna watch mind numbling tv.
i just wanna cuddle under my covers and listen to christmas carols.
i just wanna sleep.
why oh why do people nitpick on the trifling details when the bigger picture has more to offer?
bee wrote this at 7:34 PM
- At 12:46 AM, adrock2xander said...
Ya an amethyst? Do you happen to be an Aquarian? Or born in February?
I wear on my ears...a pair of amethyst earrings...birthstones for should wear em too...
That is of coz...if ya born in February...
nope, am a scorpio. i should be a topaz rite?