Thursday, December 09, 2004

mid day crisis

1) people who read mails too fast, screw up courier jobs and adds to more legwork.
2) expect ridiculous benefits
this particular organisation that we've been pitching to for a small scale promotion tieup is bloody idiotic. all we' re requesting for is a minimal price-off on entry fees and they came back wanting the world (tailoring games, adopting pets, and moolah from sales proceeds). excuse me, but let's stop and THINK for a minute. we're not talking about regional so why the fuck should we dump over a mil to get peanuts (returns in comparison)? fucking ludicrous.
3) unnecessary formality. just cos i'm 26 and working and you're 23 at uni doesn't mean you can call me MDM. fuck it. do not let me see you on the streets or i'll not hesitate to slap you across the head.

it's not been a good day. not good at all.

bee wrote this at 2:10 PM



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