Wednesday, December 15, 2004
new pressie
mom surprised me this morning with an out-of-the-blue pressie. she seemed kinda shy, choosing to go the round bout way by asking me if the pendant was "nice or not?". Honestly, it didn't look fantastic nestled in the box.
"Hmm, looks ok." turns back to mirror
"i bought this for you..."
"..." oh fuck. she must be hurt when i didn't show any enthusiam
"isetan was having this okinawa fair and i thought you might like this" takes pendant outta box
"eh! it looks nicer outta the box" (honestly)
"try try, see how it looks...u like?"
"yes, thanks ma" puts it on immediately
it's one of those things that could've been "so-so" but made beautiful cos it came from her heart. and that's also the reason why the bear's been sitting next to my pillow for the past six years. he's called morgan and he was supposed to keep me company when i left for perth six years ago. how sweet of her. i love my mom.
bee wrote this at 8:50 PM