Monday, January 31, 2005
cute cute one
i detest people calling me:- berber
[ladies, we all know who this super horizontally compressed version of lum may yee is]
- beebee
[someone at work keeps calling me this. thinking once is not enough it sometimes goes beebee beebee beebee]
- bellebelle
[this is NEW. some prick just walked past me three min ago and called me that]
- xingggggggyan
[with a "teh" voice, celine you better know who this is. i've no qualms with anyone calling me xingyan but just don't do it with that whine please]
- belley
[the infamous cheesefaced character who wrote this offensive "affectionate" name in my hostel flat, i'll never forgive such atrocities. then again, neither could i forgive myself for that blind two day mistake i made six years ago]
why the fuck do you have to multiple a name by two and do it in such a cutesy manner that not only makes me cringe, makes the hair on my neck stand but also results in a deadly viral manifestation of my hatred towards you even if i've never had any before?
so if you happen to meet me on the streets one day and call me by these irritating pseudo affectionate nics, i can guarantee i'll walk past you without the blink of an eye.
btw, no offence to lum may yee, i love that chick and i think she rocks.
bee wrote this at 2:05 PM