Wednesday, February 16, 2005


OMG. you wouldn't believe the amount of time i spent re-freshing, re-correcting, re-adjusting and re-formatting this blog (and you probably can't tell much difference *sheesh*). a thousand and one thanks to april for the awesome help (

and you know what?

one can get badly addicted to dressing blogs.

and i can finally understand how excited the bengs are when it comes to modifying the darn vehicles.

cos i now find myself obsessing about how to make this blog better by adding images lar, adding links lar, changing backgrounds lar, thingamagigs lar...

bee wrote this at 6:13 PM



At 8:47 AM, Blogger bee said...

sometimes i wonder if we should get out and drink more instead of playing sitting ducks in front of the pc toying with html codes...shahahhaah

At 9:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey woman, how'd you manage to change your header at the top as well as your comments??

tell me tell me....hahaha...i remember the first time i set up my blog (it died, in case you were wondering) i spent six friggin' hours in front of my lap top trying to customise shit...

damn blardy difficult i tell ya, but oh soo addictive...hehehe...

- dawn

At 10:59 AM, Blogger April said...

Heh... You're most welcome. :)


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