Monday, February 14, 2005

the one with no electricity [again]

once again, the electricity in the office has gone kapoot. all computers were down as of last friday and no electrician nor landlord were contactable till this morning. even then, the supra tao computer fixer refused to come down and we had to resort to trial and error troubleshooting for my colleague's expired warranty pc problems. what the fuck do we pay him for anyway?

anyhow, the entire office came in this morning each "busying" themselves with:
- reading old issues of i-d, the face. makeshift garang guni woman sifting out old copies of i-d that was to be thrown away. hell, good stuff must keep what.
- walking out to buy toto
- going to friend's offices distributing home-baked kueh-kuehs
- doing weekly tarot readings
- planning weddings
- reading last weekends' papers
- calling and chasing landlord and electrician
- chain smoking
- walking around with organiser in hand doing verbal WIP

such an exciting morning it is.

bee wrote this at 11:53 AM



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