Friday, February 25, 2005

what's an urban moron?

are you one?
1. positioning yourself smack in front of MRT doors so that you're the first to get your ass in without letting people out
2. standing on the right side of the escalator when the entire world's standing on the left
3. stopping suddenly just before you step onto the escalators, tripping others behind in the process
4. cutting queues and pretending not to "see" it until the salesperson points it out
5. squeezing your way through to stand in front at traffic junctions, only to walk real fucking slow when the light turns green
6. no sense of urgency when jaywalking with oncoming speeding cars
7. glaring at drivers who horn when you're crossing during a red light
8. holding the door for your girlfriend and letting it slam even though the next person behind's carrying a heavy load
9. taking a chair from your table without the courtesy to ask if it's occupied
10. running through clothes displays and racks like it's a typhoon (happens alot at mango with the aunties and office lians)

if you score 8 outta 10, you're a fucking urban pest. stay at home.

bee wrote this at 11:22 AM



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