Sunday, April 10, 2005

the one with the little prick

pseudo master and mom had the "fortune" to witness a terrible little orge during their coffee session at starbucks yesterday.

act 1 scene 1
little prick comes in tow with entourage consisting of ah huay mom, nice granny and maido-san, found an empty table next to pseudo master and mom. mom queues for coffee as granny looks round for alternative cleaner tables. maido-san jagas (malay word for looking after) little prick. grannie spotted clean table and headed over to the other end. maido-san tried in vain to pull little prick off his seat to the other corner. REFUSES to budge and kept insisting his mommy wants to sit HERE and not there. maido-san accepted defeat and decided to lug the barang barang (knick knack bags) over first and let mom coddle and bring her little prick over later. so little prick ended up sitting at table alone sulking.

act 1 scene 2
caucasian man comes along and sees "available" table (since granny and maid are over the other end). sits himself down. ACTION!
man: "hi!"
little prick: no answer. glares at man. after 5 sec of glaring, little prick uttered "my mommy seat there. MY MOMMY SEAT THERE ONE (note the grammar and singlish)
man: "ok buddy, but your granny and auntie is waving to you over there and asking you to go over? if your mommy still wants this table, it's ok, i can switch tables. [smiles] (nice man)
little prick: "THAT MY MOMMY SEAT. GO AWAY. FUCK."

yes, the little prick (hence the name), not more than eight years old said the four letter word to a stranger while his ah huay mother was looking at the entire scene quietly and seemingly proud that her precocious little one was able to stand up for himself. EXCUSE ME??? what kind of upbringing has this little brat been brought up with? it's pretty much obvious how uncouth his parents are to accept such profanities at this age.

act 2 scene 1
granny trooped over and insisted little prick apologise to stranger. little prick refuses and TIAOS (blink in condescending manner) granny and stranger. ah huay mom finally came over and dragged little prick to the other end sans apology. granny looked away sheepishly and everyone around felt a tinge of sympathy for the old lady.

act 2 scene 2
stranger saw pseudo master's highly disgusted expression and said "if that kid was mine, i'd had slapped him." pseudo master, a STRICT disciplinarian of her (author's) upbringing agreed. mouthing obscenities is one bad thing. the worse thing any responsible parent can do is not correcting and explaining why the kid cannot use such foul language [or at least until they're older to understand the context].

downright embarassment to singaporeans once again. SHEESH. so much for inculcating a "gracious" society. PAP, pls stop wasting money on the gracious society PR and campaigns cos courtesy will not be exercised as long as these selfish small minded singaporeans are still around. they're obviously too preoccupied with the I factor to care bout YOU.

bee wrote this at 7:50 PM



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