Tuesday, April 05, 2005

the one with the short man

she got a call from a certain short man (her ex GM) bout two weeks ago.

first instinctive thing she did was to conveniently stuff the ringing mobile into the drawer.
switching it off would be idiotic cos it shows short man you know who's calling and that you're avoiding him. sides, she didn't really dig the idea of pissing a man who knows the top man of every company in singapore and possibly beyond.

anyhow, she got a call from her ex production manager who was tasked by short man to get an appointment with her. poor lady. why doesn't he get his PA to do such things like harassing ex employees? cos his PA is totally overworked. he should feel blessed with such an angelic superwoman PA whom we all used to wonder how she tolerated his two second ideas and other shit thingamagigs.

she managed to squirm herself out of the situation last week only to have her ex colleague sms her for another appointment this morning. sigh, who's she kidding? he's got the tenacity of a bulldog *middle finger in the air* oh well, might as well as it over with right? and so she specified lunch only, no dinner, no drinks. who the fuck wants to spend her precious nights entertaining his grand idea of a rojak night with anyone he feels like putting together? he must be fucking nuts to think she will do things his way when excuse me she's no longer taking money from you mr tyrant. tsk.

bee wrote this at 12:59 PM



At 4:00 PM, Blogger bee said...

i know...but i can't escape cos celine keeps bugging me and i feel bad cos she's put in a spot...damn the short man.

At 4:34 PM, Blogger Abigael said...

Aiyoh! Is this who I think it is?

"Influential" people are the banes of the society ... like five-cent coins. You avoid keeping them in your wallet but you know that they will resurface sooner or later.

At 5:38 PM, Blogger bee said...

yes, my dear, he is who you think he is. alas...

At 12:18 PM, Blogger bee said...

that's cos you're in the line of fire dude (servicing). and trust me, you really don't wanna get calls from him :(


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