Tuesday, May 24, 2005

baby bill

celine and bill part 2
Originally uploaded by bee s.
had an excellent day yesterday chilling with celine, momma and bill at marmalade (despite baby's poo poo).

celine and me figured we make great nannies for a day after surviving taking a baby, his pram and miscellaneous bags out in a superbly crowded part of town. as simple as it sounded, we were completely tired out by end day. bill was awesome, he lasted from eight in the morning till five in the late noon taking only a power nap for fifteen minutes! bundle of energy he is...

momma and grandma were pleased that they could shop while the two aunts are busying themselves making monkey faces and cuddling bill around.

thank you baby bill for the wonderful afternoon and for making us feel we've maternal instincts after all. and with a famous godma like cecilia, you're gonna kick ass when you grow up you know :).

bee wrote this at 9:49 AM



At 11:20 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Piang eh!

Bill is unbelivably cute sia!!!

Pinkishly chubby!
Chubbily Cute!
Pinkishly Chubbily Cute!

*makes silly baby muack muack noises*

At 9:26 AM, Blogger bee said...

i know! he's SO ADORABLE!!! and guess what? he's a good baby cos he:
- doesn't cry when "strangers" (other than mom and dad) carries him
- ain't petty (some kids are supra sensitive if you know what i mean)
- easily pleased (sing song lar, play superman lar, place him in front of mirror lar)


At 9:10 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

He will be lagi more adorable when after he mum-mum finish, you try to burp him and he...

...farts instead.


*tears stream down cheeks*

At 11:28 AM, Blogger bee said...

hmmm not. he actually pukes wee bits of milk out as u try to burp him and that's so not funny..u know how icky baby puke is? all that digested milk? eek.


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