Tuesday, May 31, 2005

chronic diarrhoea

she has officially contracted the darn nervous stomach syndrome again (she had it over the past three years on and off)...and decided its finally time to do some search on it in case its something serious.

taken from The British Digestive Foundation...

What causes chronic diarrhoea ?
When diarrhoea goes on for a long time, the most likely cause is the irritable bowel syndrome. It is called a ‘functional’ condition. This means that the bowel produces stools which are looser or more frequent than normal, although the bowel is not diseased. Less commonly, there are also several conditions which cause chronic diarrhoea:

1. inflammation of the bowel - eg. ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease. The diarrhoea in ulcerative colitis often contains blood (uncheck, no bloody tools)
2. poor absorption of food - eg. coeliac disease or chronic disease of the pancreas, when the stools may be very pale, offensive smelling and difficult to flush away (wait a min, aren't all tools offensive smelling?!?)
3. hormonal changes - eg. diabetes or an overactive thyroid gland (?)
4. some bowel cancers (?)
5. some stomach operations (uncheck)
6. some drugs including antibiotics, magnesium-containing antacids, pills for blood pressure or arthritis and laxatives (uncheck)
7. foods including milk in some people who digest milk sugar (lactose) poorly and wheat products in patients with coeliac disease and consumption of unusually large amounts of alcohol. (check, still training stomach to get conditioned to lactose). In most cases, chronic diarrhoea is not serious and can be controlled by medicines, but this is best done under medical supervision.

btw, according to patient plus, chronic diarrhoea is defined as diarrhoea lasting for >14 days. Should not rely on stool frequency alone but on stool volume or weight. Daily weight >200g/24 hours is regarded as abnormal.
you've got to be kidding me. who in hell weighs poop? *aghast*

ms bee to bee bowels "ahyah, why you so troublesome one, tsk."
bee bowels to ms bee "serves you right, whole day feed us latte and rubbish food. who eats pringles and kachang puteh for breakfast?"

bee wrote this at 5:04 PM



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