Tuesday, May 17, 2005

pooch time

she adores them so much and how she awaits the day she adopts one as her own (finally). it's an ardous process of reading up but it also depends on how big her place in melbourne's gonna be. she's also developed a weakness for chihuahuas. look how sweet charlene's babies are! since it's going to be her first pet, it'll be wise to choose a breed that's easier to train and care for. ..much as she loves labrador retrievers and huskies, she doubt her own capabilities in looking after them. *sigh*

bee wrote this at 1:07 PM



At 9:10 AM, Blogger bee said...

i reckon i may end up with a greyhound...i can't take too hyper dogs like jack russel lar. my friend's chihuahuas are really sweet, and they don't yap like what they do in cartoons. haha!


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