Friday, May 20, 2005

smiley only for fridays

morning smiles
Originally uploaded by bee s.
pic compliments of ash.

bee wrote this at 10:38 AM



At 4:59 PM, Blogger Janice said...

hey you, finally got a chance to catch up with your blog and saw your entry on blog wars. bleah. thanks though, for speaking up. not specifically for me but for all who are caught in blog wars. tis very dumb indeed. hey see you soon!! xxxxx

At 5:11 PM, Blogger bee said...

hey ho, no worries. blog wars are nasty..:( why do i have this feeling we'll only meet up during your official wedding dinner? hahahah. let's get round to the potluck or home dinner thingy which we were supposed to have (but i was admitted to the hospital remember)? *lol*


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