Monday, July 11, 2005

the chinese hitlers

came across this from janice's post on the inhumane persecution of falun gong members in china. and to think the world has its eyes on terrorists at this point in time. how the hell does a country want to reach out to the world as a rising world power when they hide crucial facts from the world (SARS) and then commit daylight murder bastardised as justifiable actions by the very same people sworn to protect the society? if there's one thing i hate, it's the authority crossing the line. yes, cults have never and probably won't be accepted into the mainsteam as regular "religons" but is there a need to eradicate them through such hideous crimes (not for the weak stomach). my heart goes out to those held in captivity and for those who didn't make it back alive.

bee wrote this at 5:04 PM



At 6:29 PM, Blogger bee said...

orh, sorry sorry, not PC...will amend


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