Monday, July 25, 2005


she absolutely HATES it when people throw indirect accusations bout not doing her "job" when in actual fact... its not??? or perhaps its just ms bee's frustration that caused her hypersensitivity to harmless remarks which on her good day would've passed as careless talk. oh whatever, someone once said nothing is really shitty cos it really depends on how you want to look at the situation.

so maybe she should be adding these to the "you're ready to move on" section...yeah, she figured keeping a pros and cons system would enable her to view her decisions in a more objective manner and perhaps for her to fight the case with pseudo master when the time comes. she hadn't yet revealed her decision to move on (once the opportunity arises) to him for fear of endless ranting on why, how and what ifs. growing up with him constantly in her neck for almost everything she does, its probably going to be negative. a lucky baby boomer, he obviously is comfortable sticking in his cocoon where change is often an unwelcome sight. change meaning new environments, new challenges, unforeseen circumstances...change meaning rocking the boat. and yeah, the lecture goes on and on and on bout how the gen xers are a fickle lot with no sense of loyalty yadda. just what is loyalty to a company these days anyway? is your boss honestly gonna share his meaty pie when the company performs well? or are they going to keep you in check by saying the company did average while signing a private check for a spanking new merc or audi (my ex bosses did that), worse yet, throw mega alcohol parties on the premise of getting people so drunk they forget their entitlements to something called performance bonus?

hmmm, now who's the negative bitch here?

bee wrote this at 11:17 PM



At 2:45 PM, Blogger bee said...

hmmm. can i have your blog pls? cos i can't seem to see it when i click on your tag?

At 9:02 AM, Blogger bee said...

ahhh! you're jules and april's friend right? *waves hello* ok ok, then its just paranoid la..:)


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