Tuesday, August 23, 2005


the old girlfriend just came back from holland, along with HEMA underwears as a gift! HEMA's like a dutch version of america's target selling almost everything under the sun and OMG, the underwear fabrics are a dream. it's like next to nothing, and for that price, it's simply awesome. can someone please import HEMA into singapore or australia?

bee wrote this at 10:16 AM



At 6:02 PM, Blogger adrock2xander said...

That post on coffee was quite amusin...mar-chay-toh? Goodness...some posers should just remain who they are...a poser...

At 6:21 PM, Blogger bee said...

i know. i thought i heard it wrong or maybe (just maybe) i was the ignorant one? mah-chay-toe...tsktsk. that's why i always made it a point to never order things i don't know how to pronounce in public. good god...


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