Friday, August 05, 2005

off to hong kong tomorrow

she's totally lacking buzz and excitement for the HK retreat tomorrow. ah well, maybe the holiday spirit will pick up later tonight. the cathay flight's at wee eight tomorrow morn and knowing the gan cheong spider father, the family will have to haul their asses out by five thirty am. it's gonna be a long morning tomorrow, she can so see herself and the father downing expressos to get the sim brains cracking. did she also fail to mention the father's foul moods in the morning, especially before a flight? she swears its bloody male menopause.


bee wrote this at 3:17 PM



At 9:39 AM, Blogger the teacher said...

Have a great trip !! if anything.. think of the shopping there ! ;)

At 11:11 AM, Blogger bee said...

thanks my dear! :) and yes, i blew a bomb!!! hahaha. hey, i'll add u on my blogrol, easier to update myself on daily readings on your blog can?


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