Friday, August 12, 2005

the one with prickdestrians

don't you just hate stupid pedestrians who
...stand on double yellow lines instead of the ample space on pavements when trying to jaywalk?
...stroll at 5km/hr despite a flashing green man and STILL strolling when the red man comes on
...turns and glares at you when you honk them for jaywalking dangerously
...cross the road at their own pace (esp the short crossing between paragon and heeren) despite oncoming traffic from an opposite direction
...walk behind cars when the white reverse lights are on and glare at the driver for not giving way to them. like eh HELLO? how stupid of a parent can you be by letting your short kid run round in a fucking busy carpark?

what's with singaporeans? its pretty obvious this massive bunch of idiots mentioned don't drive at all but you know what? its not a legitimate excuse. if you wanna jaywalk, at least have the sense to do it smartly. check all directions to ensure your own safety and do it FAST. don't always assume its the driver's responsibility (though the law made it as such) when you end up paralysed due to your own reckless stupidity. drivers are humans too and there are times when they're not able to brake in time when you appear outta no-fucking-where in front of their cars.

you can sue all you want but you can never buy a lost life back (not now anyway unless The Island film becomes a reality).

bee wrote this at 9:26 AM



At 5:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

totally agree with this post! i think instead of drivers always having to take into consideration for pedestrians, the pedestrians should do the same!

driving in orchard has one of the worst pedestrians ever!


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