Wednesday, August 31, 2005
what're options when there're no choices?
a little bird told her "some companies are created to be sold, just like this one. it's nothing new and it's not a bad thing really. " chirp.first she was told she may be "relocated" into the huge conglomerate which specialises in media and research.
it's not a bad thing really.
she was also "reassured" that big boy has multiple sister affiliations that she could be placed in.
it's not a bad thing really.
suspicious, she did a search on the sisters and discovered she only has one option based on her skill sets. and the so called one option is based in sydney so...where does that leave her in this so called takeover?
it's not a bad thing really.
oh really? *sipping her coffee with raised brows*
bee wrote this at 5:47 PM