Tuesday, September 06, 2005

the one with the birthday boy's fro

pictures from VDB's surprise bday bash last saturday are up, come see the afros with the new found carpet souvenir from tokyo.

ms bee was not seen anywhere near it cos she's freaked out by anything resembling some creepy crawlies' haven. sides, don't you ever wonder where all that black wiry textured hair came from and god knows what's hiding inside that jungle- like thing?

conversation with yumei when she first saw the fro:
y: "did he buy that from his trip?" (with incredulous look)
b: "yup" (with resigned nod)
y: "of all the things to buy in tokyo and he bought that?"
b: "uh huh"

thank goodness that was the only weird thing he bought but ms bee reckons the psp made up for it hahaha. oh, plus the lana cake too, the link's taken from a hong kong foodie who's also a big fan of lana's. as yum as it was, she kinda preferred dense chocolate cakes still and nothing, absolutely nothing beats the boston mudcake from the cheesecake shop in perth which incidently gave her six kilos worth of added weight within four months.


bee wrote this at 8:57 AM



At 10:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh...if you like real dense, rich chocolate-y cakes, there's this little stall at taka basement 2 called "rive gauche". the chocholate cake is divine! and it's only $26 for like a pretty decent sized cake. hehe...

ps. your friend bought a "fro" from tokyo? hmm... and i thought i would be weird if i came back with one of those gothic/lolita french maid outfits. hehehe... though mayb mr chan would like, you think? ;p

At 11:09 AM, Blogger bee said...

ooh, the cake sounds divine already. as for the french maid outfit, hmmm. why not invest in interesting shoes and bags instead ahhaha. more practical ya?

At 9:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah baby! *ala austin powers*
i say...bring on those bags and shoes!!!!! hee... ;)


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