Monday, September 26, 2005

seven meme

tagged by terse for being a lurker *snigger*

7 things that scare me:
1. being jobless
2. kidnapped by psycho and buried alive in a coffin six feet under
3. being paralysed or bed ridden
4. losing my loved ones
5. being the last living person on earth
6. stupid zombie horror films
7. war

7 things I like most:
1. snuggled under covers when its pouring outside
2. discovering good finds in a second hand book/ vintage store
3. morning coffees alone with a good book
4. walking in the rain
5. being in a relationship
6. pedicures
7. head massages

7 important things in my room:
1. cellphone
2. passport
3. tank
4. wallet (with cards and cash)
5. cds (yes, i'm old school, not a laggard and no money to splurge on MP3)
6. diaries
7. bolster

7 random facts about me:
1. don't like furry anything (hence pets should be short haired)
2. loves scriptwriting and painting
3. quit piano before first grading cos the teacher had an annoying knack of comparing students.
4. neurotic bordering on OCD complex, i need to do certain things a certain number of times or i'll feel uneasy for the day
5. i can converse in mumble jumble japanese
6. obsessive love for broccoli and corn, i can consume two broccoli flowers and 1kg of corn at one sitting
7. had 5 ear piercings up my right ear but removed them after allergies and infections

7 things I plan to do before I die:
1. backpack around japan
2. get married
3. have kids (or adopt)
4. spend a weekend at delomore lodge on waiheke island, new zealand
5. cook an entire meal from scratch for close ones
6. write a letter to MOE telling them to stop being hypocritical with its constant harp on developing creative thinking when current stressful and confusing streaming structures (at such a young age like primary two/three) are still in place
7. tell my family and close ones how much i love them

7 things I can do:
1. be really really nice when i'm nasty
2. pick at my fingers till its bloody and not feel a thing at all
3. multitask by IMing three people, talking on the cell and typing an email at the same time
4. talk my way out
5. speed walk from city hall to wheelock place
6. shoulder stand
7. eat bread 7 days in a row

7 things I can’t do:
1. parallel park
2. swim
3. cycle
4. headstand
5. sms without looking at keypad
6. run in three inch heels anymore
7. bungee jump or skydive or steep roller coasters (me suspect an eye vessel might burst and i'll have blood shot eyes for more than a month)

7 things I say the most:
1. many varieties of fuck
2. ...and stuff like that
3. duh!
4. really?
5. sorry
6. OMG
7. whatever

7 celebrity crushes:
1. brad pitt (hello, he's on the fucking encyclopedia list ok, what else can i say?)
2. yutaka takenouchi
3. john malkovich
4. gary oldman
5. maggie cheung (how can anyone age so beautifully?)
6. oshio manabu (american japanese)
7. abe hiroshi

and yeah, i do have a thing for the japanese.

not tagging anyone cos i'm obviously more free than anyone on my list now.

bee wrote this at 11:32 AM



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