Tuesday, September 20, 2005

what do you like about singapore?

poverty renders many desperate actions and my heart goes out to the little girl and her parents. don't we just take our safe environment for granted?

someone asked me during an interview last evening what i liked most about singapore. the first thing that came to mind was the food, followed by safety and its cosmopolitan city life. i've been so used to mixing with friends of other races it never occured to me people could still be such racist bigots. i'll put it aside as narrow mindedness and probably those who've never seen much of the world outside.

as a matter of fact, i've witnessed more badassed behavoir from more singaporean chinese than any others, sad and embarassing altogether cos i'm chinese too (egads). i've personally witnessed the growing impatience and lack of basic courtesy amongst singaporean chinese who simply have no respect for others and are concerned only about themselves.

and yeah i figured i'm no mohammed, i can't make the mountains move, so i decided to move away instead. the quitter taking an easy way out you say? i don't think so. i'm giving up first class citizenship to be a second class race in another place, it'll not be an easy feat but i'm willing to give it a shot cos surviving out of the comfort zone makes living a little bit more colorful and gratifying.

bee wrote this at 9:36 AM



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