Tuesday, October 04, 2005

end of the road

there are days where you feel really low, somewhat like a redundant idiot.

there are also days where you feel high, somewhat like an arrogant bitch.

it doesn't take alot to find the perfect balance but at the end of the day, it's really nice to know the client's appreciation of who and what you are, even though you think they could've overrated your performance at times.

i'm grateful to your offer and opportunity but this is not the industry i see myself in the next five years.

thank you nonetheless for the faith and support in me, for making me realise how fortunate life is in an agency as compared to yours and for respecting us having a life outside of work.

i ranted. i raved. i bitched. i whined about you for the past year. but you know what? i truly enjoyed the work i did with you (though it wasn't anything exhilarating like ad campaigns) and i'm looking forward to a new beginning, a fresh chapter of my life.

music: sinatra's something's gotta give

bee wrote this at 1:31 PM



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