Thursday, October 20, 2005

the thing called style

what would you say when someones asks you to "describe your style in a few words?"

hmmm, there isn't a clear definition cos she dresses like how she feels in the morning. anything goes; from scruffy to vintage, at times martha stewartly, grannyish, masculine simplicity, boho, oriental and most times, mismatched. but it's ok as long as she doesn't look like one of those CBD clones. anyhow, about the little pick-me-up. bought the sep/oct issue of vogue living (australian version) and my my, are the homes looking so pretty. ace. something to add onto my in- progress mood boards for new place which should be ready by next August. though i think the other half would cringe when he sees it (we've quite varied tastes, an eclectic vs modern contemporary). *guffaws*

and just who the hell coined "stylo mylo"?

bee wrote this at 1:12 PM



At 8:09 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I do believe it was first uttered by a local Mat who really liked Myles MacInnes' music.

"Wapiang eh! Mylo damn Stylo man!"

And as you know, through the ages, that phrase got twisted into the one we locals now use.

At 1:38 AM, Blogger hulahoop said...

this is a no brainer.



and i know at least 1 other person who will agree with me.

awwww... u know we LOVE your style.





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