Monday, October 17, 2005

A to Z

i'm bored stiff though there's still plenty of editing to complete.

A is for age: 27 this nov

B is for booze of choice: toss between champs, apple martini and gin tonic

C is for career: advertising cynic cum taitai writer

D is for your dad's name: KC Sim

E is for essential items to bring to a party: booze and dessert

F is for favorite song at the moment: norah jones and ray charles's here we go again

G is for favorite game: toss again between othello (its not fucking black and white or reversi you morons) and scrabble

H is for home town: Singapore

I is for instruments you play: none (minus the one year of piano when i was eight)

J is for jam or jelly you like: strawberry jam and only with scones, not toast

K is for kids: beginning to have a soft spot for them after 27 years

L is for living arrangements: living with folks till i move over to australia

M is for mom's name: mewleng (it's totally freaky that our mothers share the same name, me and other half)

N is for name of your crush: no hot hollywood stud of the moment

O is for overnight hospital stays: yeah, happened this year, some weirdass swelling of veins on left calve, hooked on liquid antibiotics for three days and got tested on every blood test possible

P is for phobias: trapped in an enclosed space with long haired cats

Q is for quotes you like: That which does not kill you makes you stronger by Neitzsche

R is for relationship that lasted the longest: 3 years long distance

S is for sexual preference: emotionally bisexual, physically heterosexual

T is for time you wake up: mostly sevenish in the morn, even on vacations

U is for underwear: cotton with spandex

V is for vegetables you love: broccoli and corn

W is for weekend plans: gym, coffee and book reading

X is for x-rays you've had: chest, lungs everything

Y is for yummy food you make: grilled mushroom and mozzarella toast and other unspeakable experimental foods from uni days

Z is for zodiac sign: scorpion and sagian

bee wrote this at 4:06 PM



At 8:13 PM, Blogger Abigael said...

OMG!! How uncanny!!

Is your house full of cat stuff from friends who share the same humour too?!?!?


At 8:49 PM, Blogger bee said...

nope. no MEOW stuff in my house cos mom's freaked out by cats too hahahah. like mother like daughter...


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