Friday, November 25, 2005

alchieland beckons

there are some moments in your life where you feel like you've lost control and just want to burst out in tears without being labelled as weak, dependent or unfocused.

there are also some moments of frustration where you feel like screaming at the top of your lungs without being labelled as a nut case or out-of-control bitch.

there are some times where you feel like keeping a lid on things and drowning in alcohol without being labelled as taking the easy way out.

sometimes certain actions do not render explainations.

tonight's the night for alcohol and smoke storms.

welcome to alice in wonderland with cigarettes.

bee wrote this at 8:51 PM



At 10:31 AM, Blogger sarah has spoken said...

yeah.. get it outta your system.. nothing like some good ol fashion booze & smokes to flush out the toxins.. but after that.. detox yeah ? hehe


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