Tuesday, November 29, 2005

of cab peeves

1. what is it that you don't understand when i say to go home from heeren to serangoon using serangoon road?

instead you choose to act blur and enter the fucking CTE (of which i had to pay ERP) and have the cheek to ask me if i still wanna go by serangoon road from there? the main reason for traveling by serangoon road was to avoid the ERP charges, now that i've paid them, why the fuck would i wanna take another loop backwards? and to think you shook your head and thought me a frivolous woman?! $%#$%#$@#

2. telling me i live next to the cemetery...

look, i know serangoon's a big area and yes there are indeed old cemetery grounds nearby, some excavated and covered with HDB and condo units. but IS THAT YOUR PROBLEM?

3. cutting in between lanes...

i know you've been behind the wheel the past 20 years but it doesn't give you any right to own the roads. stop swerving in dangerously and suddenly just to pick up a passenger cos the fare's not enough to cover any accident repairs UNCLE. just cos you are a "good driver" doesn't mean we're "quick as lightning" like you. tsk.

bee wrote this at 7:40 PM



At 1:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cab drivers in sg never never fail to piss us off.

anyways, i'm back.. and you live in serangoon area?? i'm staying around the area too!

hope to meet up soon! :)

At 10:39 AM, Blogger bee said...

aww, you're back? k, may be hopping to wine bar this fri, will email you contact number... :)


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