Thursday, December 08, 2005

new day tomorrow


tomorrow marks the beginning at a new agency.

butterfly jitters as always cos one never knows what to expect as she prays for...

... great teammates (bright AEs, supportive ADs)
... people in general are pleasant
... they will give the review in march and pay raise as promised (though pish warned her about the impossibility of this)
... level headed clients
... nice traffic and production people
... understanding and bright creative people (not those "i'm God in the agency and anyone not creative or hasn't won an award is scum")

she hates starting out at new places cos its almost like riding out waves. you've got to hit the real rocky spots and see if one emerges from it still standing or drowning. she went through a really bad patch at the beginning with the second agency but things turned out great after. she was glad to clung on cos she might have never known she was a survivor. its tough treading thin waters where you wake up dreading work, where you suffer nightmares thinking about work and where you breakdown in the agency washroom. sometimes, you'll be wondering if this is the plan God has for you? perhaps so, you have to go through the pitfalls, suffer some humility and learn how to be a better person from it all.

older and wiser.

erm, and perhaps bitchier.

tis the season to be jolly, tralalala lalalala

conversation with tony ting last evening during a smokebreak:
tt: ADs are getting younger these days
b: really?
tt: there're some here who're quite young, like 30-32
b: ... er dude...that's normal. if i was AM at 26 then, i'd better be an AD when i get to the 32 mark else i think i can step out of this industry already.
tt: ...ah...*gets call from partner to hurry up*

bee wrote this at 11:10 AM



At 2:37 PM, Blogger pinkmartiny said...

ohh....good luck gal!!! ;) see u fri nite!

At 8:31 PM, Blogger bee said...

thanks dearie :)

At 11:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said... job!
all the best, babes!
i know you're going to knock them off their socks! hehehe.... ;)

At 1:31 AM, Blogger bee said...

thanks dearie!


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