Monday, December 19, 2005

of singing in santa's hat

had a carolling session yesterday and she's got to admit it's pretty nerve wrecking. it took them not more than three practices to pull this off, fun as it was, she just couldn't bring herself to look at the audiences in the eye when she's singing. that's why she did backstage during school theatres, events and whathaveyous. she has no dang idea how people like larry king and billy crystal could pull off emceeing a show in front of tv's millions. *freaks!!!!*

backtrack to fri night:
she and other half trooped their asses over to randy's obiang eankiam after the first rehearsal. half the crowd's left/ leaving by the time they got there, bummer! but mr r's still going strong despite not feeling well so its three stars for him heh.

perk of the night:
- bucket full of leftover soggy chicken nuggets (woots!)

surprise of the night:
- just when she and cherry were wondering where some not-so-fondly-missed people were, she had her answer that night. golly, what are the chances of meeting someone who knew the two infamous dudes firsthand? *bangs head on wall in horror* chris she can take but the other one, absolutely not. she can only thank God mr alltalknoactionexGAD cum imthehottestgaydudeonearth wasn't around that night. he, who could survive MNC agencies cos of his shit-stirring politics and back stabbing policies.

good grief.

enough of the nemesis. back to happier thoughts, am really forward to the short bangkok getaway in jan, which reminds her that she has to bring this up to her boss about the one day leave. hopefully it'll be TCK's words, she'll have to make it happen cos the budget flight's not refundable. egads *pray hard*

gonna be another crazy day today!

bee wrote this at 8:51 AM



At 9:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like a packed and eventful weekend you had!

anyways, when in jan are you headed for bkk? i'll be going in jan too..

and i havent got to meet you.. :(

At 9:44 AM, Blogger bee said...

hey babe!

i'll IM you!


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