Tuesday, February 07, 2006

of bastardising the word "married"

random conversation with colleague at the louhei dinner yesterday.

k: so B, when are you getting married?
a: hehe, but she's not into marriage and commitment right?
B: correction. i'm not into marriage but i'm a firm believer in commitment.
a: huh?
k: ahh, i know what she means, it's true. if i wasn't interested in children, i would'nt have gotten married anyway. it's just a means to an end for certain things.

the difference between marriage and commitment ain't huge, cept one's legal and one's not. by right, marriage should be an extension of the commitment a couple has, where they pledge to share their lives together based on trust, faith and love. unfortunately, this ever after institution has been bastardised by so many that it diluted the true meaning of a commited relationship. "bastardised" not by honest divorce cases (where a couple truly find themselves growing in separate directions after a long time), but by philandering parties. she's witnessed so many newly married couples cheating OPENLY recently. it's not her business of cos, it's a free country afterall compared to the third world where cheating wives get stoned. but why sign the damn papers and spend that bomb telling people you're officially unavailable when all you want is the lifestyle of a swinging single? why do it when you're obviously not ready for its responsibilities?

she's better off alone than to be sitting forlornly on some couch at four am everyday waiting for the "husband" to come home from godknowswhat activities and have funny smses and phone calls in the dead of the night. she didn't even need to get married to learn that lesson (some years back).

she'll only take marriage if it comes with commitment.

thank you very much.

bee wrote this at 9:04 AM



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