Friday, March 03, 2006

of "sian-ness"

it's bad enough rushing round like mad chickens and dealing with condescending no-substance people. then you find the sprain in your leg not getting any better. but you don't really give two hoots cos you're so frustrated. so you try to immerse yourself in alcoholic substances which perhaps might make shitty times seem like happy times. or perhaps talking and bitching would make you feel better? maybe, maybe not. she should just see the doc tomorrow lest the fucking left leg decides to turn blue and get itself infected with some dunnowhat virus again.

is there anything to make her smile for the weekend?

guess not.

whatever...maybe a movie might cheer her up. or maybe she should just lock herself in the room with a book for the weekend.

bee wrote this at 7:18 PM



At 11:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hope the weekend is good and making you feel better.

take care of that leg! =)

At 9:03 AM, Blogger bee said...

thanks babe : )


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