Wednesday, May 03, 2006

red hot tonsils

the fucking tonsils have been inflamed again. must've been the:
1. unstoppable consumption of pork floss (the stuff which people bring back from bangkok)
2. restrained anger at the stupidity of (non) crisis situations
2. almost daily lunching of fish and chips at aromas
3. daily late nights and early mornings
4. daily cigarettes and copious amounts of coffee (from cedele, dimbulah, the agency, starbucks)

and yes, in that order.

btw, the agency is on the lookout for junior suits and creative guys. drop a note on msn if you're interested, and this offer is valid only for those on her msn list, not every tomdickharry. sorry, ain't no headhunter here.

bee wrote this at 8:57 AM



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