Thursday, July 13, 2006

day four.

work is pouring in and she's slowly picking up momentum again. finally! just as her mind was beginning to waver, she's feeling the adrenalin moving again. the past three days were filled with confused longing but at least it's lessened by today. she likes the other AM on the team who seems to have a rather similar working style to her. "chop chop", no nonsense, proper handovers, and best of all, she's incredibly welcoming. not that the rest aren't but it's just one of those "feeling" thingy.

hope things do take off from here.

btw, the room's so quiet she feels deeply suppressed.

bee wrote this at 11:01 AM



At 2:44 PM, Blogger sarah has spoken said...

hey babe.. hope things turn out well for you ! meanwhile enjoy the "newness" of everything.

At 9:09 AM, Blogger bee said...

thanks! :)


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