Friday, October 13, 2006

of being really happy

it's been a week in her new role and she's loving it.

of cos there were moments where she freaked as the new responsibilities can be quite overwhelming. like improvising on creative briefs which account directors pass over. what if she was wrong? what if she wasn't experienced enough too see alternative links? what if she fucked up with the wrong proposition? what if she wasn't able to step out of her old role fast enough to adapt to the new one?

nonetheless, it's a good healthy challenge at this point of her life cos she's able to:
...take her lattes and read cnn every morning cos people come in later and she ain't got annoying small minded clients buzzing her at 9am sharp to make their layouts erm "better" by moving the headline 5mm to the right? she felt bad for the suit seated next to her when a particular soft spoken writer finally lost her temper cos the client decided to put the "boxes" back into the ad after removing them like three times at nine pm with an overdue deadline. thank God she doesn't have to be a "firefighter" anymore. the net for new trend sites and global design updates. the ad industry moves like a power dynamo and things are constantly changing every second of the day. btw, BBH and Leo Burnett have jumped on the second life bandwagon too. who's next?

...avoid recurring nightmares which have intensified the last 3 months. perhaps things would've been better if she had someone to help her with the legwork instead of bossing her around. proper carbos again. kudos to aromas cafe and starbucks, now she's getting her well deserved carbo back instead of hawker food. hopefully cedele would come back after the building renovations have been completed. no offence, she loves great hawker food but to have that everyday? eeyucks. and learn from a different calibre of people. the exposure of working with top management people will help train her rash thought processes and actions. hopefully in time, she will learn how to think and operate in a different mode.

...finally work the brains hard instead of working the eyes.

mood: just like bubbly champs

sidenote: saw this really cute yellow and white striped fluffball cat curled up and sleeping on a sunny seat outside starbucks. it looked just like a stuffed toy, should've taken a picture. heh.

bee wrote this at 9:04 AM



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