Wednesday, October 04, 2006

of farewells

it's her last at the agency as a suit.

she felt a tinge of wistfulness while sorting out the updates on handover sheets but nothing's hit her yet cos it's been a crazy rollercoaster day today. from the moment she stepped in up till nine plus at night. AND plus the fact that she has to pop in tomorrow morn to finish up somemore paperwork.

the day...
first it was getting smses from the team that they're late so morning handover's kinda delayed.
second was still going for client WIP when its her last day and it should've been spent in the agency clearing necessary paperwork.
third was not getting the artwork on time to clear before she left.
fourth was knowing the other teammate which she was supposed to hand stuff over to is on MC for the entire week, bringing the team power from four to two. totally unexpected and threw the entire team into a mini frenzy.
fifth was not only doing a simple handover but a long grandmother version cos boss who's covering for the other teammate on MC has ZERO clue about what's been going on day-to-day. she spent two solid hours trying to pull out client's brief, initial briefs, timelines, layouts and email trails of past correspondence for nine ongoing projects.
sixth was finding out how sweet her clients were. told her they'll miss her and were real upset when they found out she was leaving. she never knew it would impact them much since she's only been here three months. felt totally awful for not being able to tell them earlier.
seventh was getting a farewell gift from her favourite creative team. now that was a big surprise cos she never expected the guys to go through all this trouble for a little cellphone charm and a box of heavenly truffles.

she's really really touched. so God did have a good reason for sending her to this agency for three months. she felt really blessed to have met these new friends (clients and colleagues) and in some way, it got her all teary eyed again. thank you for all the pain and joy you guys have given her. from the bottom of her heart, thank you for making this short journey so meaningful and rich.

she loves you too new friends.

bee wrote this at 12:16 AM



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