Friday, November 03, 2006
CCA's the night of glory which all creatives have been waiting for.
and the tool to muscle higher salary and promotion with the ECDs later.
funny conversations she had this morning:
b: are you going?
writer 1: nah, not shortlisted.
b: are you going?
writer 2: Is it tonight??I'll GO!!Who wanna join me? I am now an expert at gatecrashing since 2002 which was last year I actually had a ticket! Come, lets go free makan and make contacts. Bring your resumes!
b: are you going:
art director: of cos! i want to check out the food, it's ritz carlton you know.
b: are you going?
suit 1: babe, check this out. my boss asked and they only give tics to the creatives.
b: are you going?
suit 2: limited tables this year so only creatives are going.
b: are you going?
suit 3: maybe crash the post party later (now that's a perfect answer!)
bee wrote this at 8:54 AM