Thursday, April 21, 2005

what's in a name?

her colleague apparently had the impression that she's a staunch christian (?) cos of her "misleading" hotmail address evangelist. defined by dictionaries as a preacher of Christian gospel or any of the spiritual leaders who are assumed to be authors of the Gospels in the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. although the definition of evangelist may be a preacher but it could also mean advocate, champion and propagandist, someone who believes in spreading his words, ideas and thoughts to the rest of the world. she got this inspiration from david tang, head of account servicing at DDB singapore who inscribed "the evangelist" on the back of his name card. nice touch, cos most advertising people and clients would like to believe that the ultimate success of any campaign would be positive conversions. if they can change your mind and make you believe in them (like cult brands Apple and Nike), they can do almost anything, really. hence, evangelist. dynamic!

bee wrote this at 1:34 PM



At 2:26 PM, Blogger adrock2xander said...

I have a serious thing for ya layout much an hour? :O

Hey im adrock2xander now...LOL...make up ya mind...i really dont mind being the angry man...rough around the edges always helps :O

At 5:26 PM, Blogger bee said...

ahyah u very troublesome leh dude. ok ok lar, seeing how much i enjoy your blog, i shall change it back the angry man *sniggers*

i dun charge, i'm too amateur honest! but if you want i can mail you the HTML layout code for you to play around on your own. sounds gd?

At 10:21 PM, Blogger adrock2xander said...

CrikeyS! God save ya will? Whoopee did you get this template from? it's might sexy...

Believe me when i say the final result wouldnt look anythin like wouldnt want my blog to look like yours :)


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